Outdoor Cleaning Tips – Class 101

Close up of broom cleaning porch outside of a house

As we enter into the dog days of summer, there are still many chances for barbecues, outdoor dinner parties, bonfires, and the like. So before summer turns into fall, we need to enjoy every minute of that summer warmth before (GASP!) we’re shut indoors with Old Man Winter.

So throw as many outdoor parties as you can before summer ends! But before you do, here are some essential outdoor cleaning tips:

The Deep Clean

  • Vacuum window screens and wipe down window sills.
  • Wash windows with glass cleaner.
  • Wash outside doors.
  • Sweep and clean off porch.
  • Wash outside of basement windows.
  • Attach power nozzle to garden hose and wash out garbage containers and recycling bins. Spray down driveway, walkway, retaining walls, fences, cement porches, and patios.
  • Clean outdoor furniture with soap and water. Use power nozzle on garden hose to rinse.

The Everyday Clean

  • After garbage day, return cans to their proper place.
  • Have your children put away toys and sporting equipment each night.
  • Pick up stray papers and garbage that have blown into your yard from the wind.

The Quick Clean

  • Sweep front porch, steps, and front walk with a stiff broom.
  • Shake out outdoor welcome mats.
  • Wipe off porch furniture with damp cloth, including cushions and seating.
  • Run duster over windowsills.
  • Pick flowers from garden and place them in a glass vase on porch table.