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Beat the Winter Blues: Fun Winter Organizing Projects

Mesh metal containers full of clothes and linens on the bed and floor in a bedroom. Cup of coffee on a serving tray on the bed.

Once the holidays have passed and the winter really begins to set in, things have a tendency to slow down considerably. For many, the winter months can be a long, bleak, and boring time. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We have some great ways to help you beat the winter blues, and be productive in the process.

Our tips will keep you busy at home when the weather gets frosty. We’ll help you balance self-care, relaxation, and a healthy dose of productivity, so you hit spring feeling happy, healthy, and better organized.

How to Stay Happy in the Winter

There’s a fine line between the winter blues and seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. Also referred to as seasonal depression, SAD symptoms begin in the fall and tend to subside in spring. Roughly 5% of adults experience seasonal affective disorder. SAD presents the same characteristics of depression, including lethargy, moodiness, irritability, or general funkiness. It can also affect sleep, concentration, and changes to your appetite and weight. A few ways to combat seasonal affective disorder are to actively seek opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. Sunlight, in moderation, is good for your soul and overall health and well-being (a natural source of vitamin D). Being physically active is a benefit any time of the year, but it is especially important during winter months when outdoor activities may be limited by weather. If you can’t get outside, plan some indoor activities that will get your heart pumping and blood flowing.

Three Fun Winter Organizing Projects

Although you will likely be spending more time at home during the winter it doesn’t mean you can’t get things done. In fact, taking on a few home projects will not only keep you moving and mentally engaged, it can also provide a sense of satisfaction as you cross things off your to-do list. Here are three organizing projects that will help you feel more engaged and productive this winter:

Organize Your Holiday Decorations

Admit it; when you put away the decorations and un-decked the halls, you threw all the lights and other decorations into a box and shoved it somewhere out of sight. Well now is a great time to pull them back out and sort through them to make sure everything is stored safely. It’s also a great time to do some trimming (no not the tree). Go through and pare down your collection to the pieces you really love. This will make storage and decorating next year a little easier. And if you donate those extra decorations, you’ll feel good about the whole process. Be sure to tidy up your lights, too! Before you pack them away, test each string to make sure they still work, then wrap them neatly and tie them with string to keep them from coming unwound.

Organize Your Pantry

No doubt you’ve accumulated plenty of seasonal baking supplies during the holidays and possibly a few more sweets and treats than normal too! This is a great chance to dig into your pantry and organize things by category, how often you use certain items, and even to support any health-focused resolutions or goals you have set for yourself in the new year. You can even organize according to family member, separating into kid and adult food sections. This is one organization project the whole family can benefit from.

Related Topic: How to Clean and Organize Your Pantry

Organize Your Seasonal Clothing

While you might be using much of your warm winter clothing, this is a great opportunity to see what winter wear didn’t make it out of the closet or storage bin. Go through your old winter gloves, scarves, hats, and outerwear and purge whatever isn’t in your normal rotation. If your items are still in good shape, consider donating to your local shelter or another organization that can find a happy new owner! Once you finish going through your winter wardrobe, start looking at spring and summer with the same approach.

Related Topic: How to Organize Your Closet

Organize Your Book Collection

Cracking the pages of a new or favorite book on a wintry day can be a real joy, so can organizing your bookshelf. While doing so you might discover some old, and new favorites. Winter is a wonderful time to dive deep into a good page-turner. Taking the time to organize your books and weeding out any you know you won’t read again is a great way to refresh your collection. Any books you don’t want can be brought to your local library or shelter for donation so someone else can enjoy them. While you’re leafing through your books, be sure to give your bookshelf a good dusting as well!

If you need more space to store your collection, or you would like to add a customized bookshelf to your reading room, call your local handyman for help!

Stay Happy All Winter by Staying Connected

Depending on where you live winter months can be long and tedious. And even the most positive people can have a rough couple of days now and again. This is why it’s important to make time for the things you enjoy and see the people you love. Having a purpose, and maintaining connections with people you care about brings a joy that can make all the difference during those long winter months.

Get a Helping Hand This Winter

There is no doubt that winter months can be a bit of a downer. Finding projects that bring you joy and keep you connected can help you get through those long days and make you feel more productive. Once you’ve completed some of your organization projects, treat yourself and your family to a top-to-bottom home cleaning from Molly Maid. Our cleaning professionals will work with you to develop a customized cleaning plan designed to focus on the areas of your home that need expert attention. To schedule an appointment, request a cleaning estimate today!

About Molly Maid

In 1984, entrepreneur David McKinnon brought Molly Maid from Canada to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to give busy American homeowners a reliable, professional, affordable solution to messy, dirty houses. Residents of the competitive university town took advantage of the new home cleaning service, which quickly expanded to communities in other states. Today, there are more than 450 individually owned Molly Maid cleaning service franchises operating across the United States. Last year, we performed 1.7 million cleaning services, 90 percent of which were for repeat customers.
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